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Biblical, simple, reproducible tools to see the kingdom of God grow


Why desire kingdom growth?   / 5 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Do you feel led to pray based on what you read?

How the kingdom of God grows   / 3 minutes

How the Kingdom of God Grows.png
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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Could you make your ministry more biblical, simple, and reproducing?

Abiding in God   / 6 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Spend time abiding in God. Apart from him, you can do nothing.

Surrendering to God   / 7 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Make a practice of surrendering brokenness to God, being filled with the Spirit, and holding fast to the gospel of Jesus.

Entering empty fields   / 8 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Make a list of people you know who are far from God. Pray for them, love them, and share the gospel with them.

  • Go with another believer to a specific place and share the gospel with persons of peace.

Proclaiming the gospel   / 14 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Make every effort to share your story and God's story often. Could you share with 3 unbelievers every week?

Discipleship   / 7 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Are you making disciples? Be faithful with the people God has placed in your life.

Repent and believe   / 7 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus' command to repent and believe?

  • Repent and believe.

Be baptized   / 8 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus command to be baptized?

  • Be baptized if you have not done so before. If you are a baptized follower of Jesus, baptize believers as you have opportunity.

Pray   / 7 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus' command to pray?

  • Pray.

Make disciples   / 11 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus' command to make disciples?

  • Make disciples. Go, proclaim the gospel, baptize believers, and teach them to obey everything Jesus commanded.

Love   / 8 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus' command to love?

  • Love God and love your neighbor. Make specific plans to love God and people.

Receive the Lord's Supper   / 9 minutes

Receive the Lord's Supper.png
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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus' command to receive the Lord's Supper?

  • Receive the Lord's Supper with other followers of Jesus.

Give   / 8 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could teach Jesus' command to give?

  • Give toward the Lord's purposes.

How to create more outlines   / 7 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Try preparing your own discipleship outline, and use it for discipleship.

Forming churches   / 14 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Could you gather followers of Jesus into a church? Help the church grow more healthy over time.

Multiplying leaders   / 6 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Are there followers of Jesus you can establish as leaders in the kingdom of God?

  • Could you encourage leaders to multiply leaders who multiply leaders?

Working toward no place left   / 11 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Work toward no place left, wherever God leads you.

Making disciples of all nations   / 9 minutes

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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Research the people groups near you. Are there neglected nations God is leading you to pray for or make disciples among?

Tracking and assessing kingdom growth   / 8 minutes

Tracking and Assessing Kingdom
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Take a next step:

  • Is there someone you could share this information with?

  • Choose or develop a system to track and assess kingdom growth through your ministry.

© 2023 For Kingdom Growth

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